Tuesday, June 24, 2008

VI Incendamus Signum?

(Shall We Burn the Flag?)
The march directed to a noble goal-
The mighty sound of brass upon the air-
The raising of the flag, so stately whole-
A texture both so noble and so fair!
The stars and stripes are more than simple hues-
They stand to represent the heroes past-
Their glory and the lives they had to lose,
To raise the flag of freedom to the mast!
And still this mighty bastion flies above-
It triumphs in its ever noble stance!
No enemy will burn the flag I love,
No rival crushes such magnificence!
So on we march beneath Old Glory's hue,
No curse condemns the red, the white, the true.
-Vir Cogitans Americanus
Scribit XIII Iunii, Anno Domini MMVII

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